Friday, November 30, 2007

One month old and gaining weight!

That’s right, Daniel is now 7 lbs 11 oz – he is finally gaining weight! Last week he started this growth spurt – demanding more and more food at each feeding. He even wakes up on his own at night to eat. We don’t need an alarm clock any more, he wakes up during his scheduled eating times. The only issue with this growth spurt is me producing enough to keep him happy. I’m nursing for two/three of the scheduled feedings a day, but that means I actually nurse him 6 – 9 times to keep him full during those periods.

He finally had his little boy surgery Monday – right in the pediatrician’s office. It was nearly as traumatic for me as his heart surgery. I felt so bad for him! It looks so painful, but Andy tells me that he won’t remember the pain. I just have to handle the diaper changes and seeing that ouchie right now! It is actually healing really well – I’m sure he’ll appreciate this post when he is a teenager : )

We had a busy, but fun holiday weekend. The whole Emmitt family came over last Friday and brought us a Christmas tree! Shelby brought all of her camera equipment and set up a studio in the basement. She took professional pictures of each family. Daniel slept the entire day, even though his cousins were having a lot of LOUD fun all around him.

Laura and Dolley are now home. They are doing pretty well with Daniel. Laura is very protective of him, though she seems pretty sad to be home (I think she had a lot of fun at Doggie Camp). Dolley doesn’t leave my side – just like before. The only annoyance is their barking (anyone looking for a Christmas gift for us could invest in a pair of shock collars! Just kidding… kinda).

Being home for Thanksgiving again reminded us that we were so blessed at how fast Daniel recovered. This holiday season please remember the kids and families that are still recovering at the hospital – the families that won’t be able to be home for the holidays. Please say an extra special prayer for them.

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