Monday, June 30, 2008

Eight Months Old...

…and this is what he thinks of my signs!
No longer can I set the little piece of paper in front of him – he can reach for it!

Eight months – it’s tough to believe. He has now lived more of his life off from the oxygen tube than he was on it. At that first, and second, cardiologist appointments when he told us that it was going to be months (as in plural) before he was off oxygen, it seemed like a very long time.

Now he is this normal, happy, healthy looking little boy (okay, there have been three occasions in the grocery store where women have said, “what a beautiful little girl!” He just has such gorgeous eyes :D )
We praise God for his health!

Speaking of healthy – we ended up taking him to the pediatrician last Friday. He had a nasty cough and they decided it was good for us to come in and get checked out. He ended up getting a breathing treatment, and seems to be slowly getting over it.

As for the healthy side of things – he was 16lbs 11oz! He gained two pounds since last month. Formula has helped. He is on his way to finally being my “Chunky Monkey.”

He is rolling everywhere, sitting up forever, still loves the outside and can’t get enough of the pool. He isn’t spitting out food at every meal anymore, but loves to stick out his tongue whenever he has the chance!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh Brother!

Here we go… Daniel is starting to misbehave!

The first few times that he decided to spit a mouthful of food out all over himself, the table, and us it was funny… we shouldn’t have laughed!!
Tonight he got more all over than he got into his tummy.

We had a fun photo shoot outside last week, during one of these beautiful days.

I’m also working on getting more “tech savvy” with the website :D

Friday, June 13, 2008

So Much Change, So Fast!

Since turning 7 months old, he has started to mimic sounds – like “Momma and Dada” and even says “ahah” for Laura! Its not always the most clear noises, but I think he’s trying to talk :D

About a week and a half ago, Daniel discovered the joy of rolling! He loves to move around now, and doesn’t mind tummy time – since he knows how to roll to his back.

He is also sitting up for very long stretches of time.

He is also almost completely weaned from nursing… I’m thinking that this morning was probably the last time. It is sad for me, but he LOVES his bottle and is getting more food this way. We took it slow, over the past two weeks, and I know the end is very near. I made my goal of 6 months+ even with that horrible first month and a half. It was a wonderful time that we were able to bond and I highly recommend it to future Moms!

Daniel also loves to be outside! I take him outside as much as possible – for walks, or just to sit in the grass or on the front step. When we went in the pool a few days ago I slathered him up in sunscreen, but he’s still getting tan (not red) from the short times that we are outside. People keep saying that he has my complexion.

Daniel’s Uncle Steven graduated from High School last week. He leaves for boot camp on July 8th. Please remember him in your prayers!

We have a number of friends that are expecting babies this summer and later this year. Please remember to pray for pregnant women, healthy babies and all of those that are trying to conceive.

God Bless!