Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Daniel is One Week Old

As I sit here to type, Daniel is turning exactly one week old. It is incredible to think that it has only been one week…

… and the big news is – the Surgeon told us he will most likely be able to come home THIS WEEKEND!!!!

Yes, that’s right Daniel’s prayer team – THIS WEEKEND!!

I was literally floored. I didn’t know what to do – I’ve cried WAY too much this past week (a lot of happy tears!), but this news was even beyond that.

We spent about 9 hours at the hospital today – things have changed so much. He is in a room that we can be in 24/7 and we aren’t limited to 2 people at one time and we don’t have to leave 4 times a day for the scheduled closed times.

It is quite like home, except he is still attached to monitors, has the pacemaker wires in yet and has a 14 year old GIRL roommate :) I’m still not exactly sure how he got paired up with her.

Tonight the nurses taught us how to prepare a bottle (of “Mommy food”). We learned how to give him his medicine and feed him through the NG tube in his nose in case he has to have it when he comes home (it depends on how well he feeds).

His Emmitt grandparents and Kilgore grandma got to hold him, feed him and take turns changing diapers. I changed one myself and he even got to wear his own clothes!

Tomorrow he will have an ECHO to see how all the fixed parts of his heart are working. Please pray for these results to come back positively.

We also ask you to say a special prayer for all of the other kids that are dealing with medical issues. Daniel has had a great recovery, but not all kids have it that way. There are even a number of children at U of M waiting organ transplants. They need your prayers as well.

Blessings to you all and goodnight!


Kelley Almy said...

Way to go Daniel!!! That is such great news that he might be coming home this weekend. I'll for sure be praying for that. Hope the Echo goes well :)

Erinn said...

We knew Daniel was special, but now we can add super healer to the mix. Excellent news! I will pray that his recovery continues to progress and the homecoming is soon. I will also continue to lift up you, Beth, for your health and recovery.

Jessica Zimbelman said...

Wow, Beth, you and Andy made one good-looking baby!

I hope you're feeling better darlin'-- i've been praying lots that you are feeling stellar by the time you get to bring that little guy home. I can't wait to meet him! xoxo, jz

Erin Jongekrijg said...

I think he is the best looking baby I have ever seen! The news continues to get better each time I check for updates! Thank you for keeping us so informed!