Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Yes, we have been busy. But that is no excuse for not giving you all an update!

At his 9 ½ month check up, he was 18 lbs 6 oz – finally up into the 12th percentile.

His head size grew to the 94th percentile!

The doctor said, “He sure is growing big brains!”

Daniel is crawling everywhere, sitting up from his stomach and pulling himself up to stand.

The day I caught him standing in his crib was awesome!

Except now he’ll only play with his toys for about 20 seconds before he is off going after a cord in the wall or the dog dish.

He grew up so fast this past month!

1 comment:

Kelley Almy said...

He is getting so big! How fun that he is getting more mobile :) Looks like you guys are enjoying the summer!