Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Two Weeks Old

It is hard to believe that Sam is already two weeks old!

He is a wonderful baby.

Sam has blessed his Mommy and Daddy with sleep!! For the past week he has only gotten up once a night to feed - between 2 - 3 am. It has been amazing, and I'm sure another reason why my recovery is going well. We pray that this sleeping pattern stays in place!

We took both boys into the doctor last week for check ups. Sam was 7 lbs 15 oz - which meant he had gained 8 oz over the weekend.

Daniel was just over 23 lbs, still in the 10th percentile. But his head was 50 cm - 99th percentile!! He is so smart :D

I had to take Sam in yesterday for another weight check. He was 8 lbs 9 oz! We figure at this rate, he is going to be wearing Daniel's clothes before Daniel grows out of them!

We spent last weekend at Nama and Bopa's house and had a wonderful time with all our aunts and uncles and cousins!
It is Daddy's birthday this Friday - Happy Birthday Daddy, xoxox from your two boys!!

1 comment:

Jessica Zimbelman said...

I Love Daniel's Hope sweatshirt! So cute!