Friday, January 25, 2008


If I were a baby…

… I’d sleep all the time! But nooooo, Daniel likes to be up and talking!! We had one really great week of sleep. He would go to bed between 8 – 10ish and only get up once to feed and sleep in until 7:30 or 8:00. Starting Monday night he has been back to waking up more often. And now he is fighting his daytime naps as well. I started reading a baby sleep book last week and tried putting him to bed earlier at night – at 7 pm – and this is what happens…maybe I need to stop reading :D

We also tried the bottle at night thing and that was a big failure. Daniel was so confused by Andy feeding him and the bottle that he would wake up completely and not be able to go back to sleep once he was done eating. So, I’m back to nursing him when he wakes up at night.

He just seems like he’s so grown up already! His temperament and his actions seem like he’s trying to be a “big boy.” He is also putting everything in his mouth and drooling. I keep wondering if we will be seeing a tooth come in soon.

I just thought that I would give you all this quick 12 WEEK update – yes, he is 12 weeks already! Just three more weeks until our next cardiologist appointment. Please pray that his heart and lungs are strong enough to finally get off from the oxygen!

Last Saturday was “sweatpants day with Dad.” Daniel and Andy have also been working on Daniel’s rolling over technique.

Andy’s parents drove all the way over here on Sunday to spend a few hours with their grandson – who can blame them :D

1 comment:

Tabea Bruce said...

It's great to see how well he is doing! He is looking wonderful! I wouldn't worry too much about his recent sleeping pattern as babies daily patterns do get temporarily muddled up a bit when they go through growth spurts as their bodies require more milk intake during those times. Are you going to do anything special on February 14th to support A Day For Hearts?