Thursday, March 13, 2008

Canula Free!

Four months and one day since we brought him home, Daniel’s cardiologist said he was doing well enough to be taken off the extra oxygen completely – Praise be to God!

I had to hold back the tears in the doctor’s office! Thankfully, this time he didn't scream during the EKG. And the doctor just kept saying "He looks so good!"
He seems to be sleeping a lot better now that he doesn't have that tube in his nose any more. He was suffering from a lot of bloody noses. We both had a cold in late February, but it wasn't too bad.

Our little boy is now four & half months old. His head size and height are in the 75th percentile, but his weight is still in the 10th at 12 lbs 14oz. He’s our tall, skinny boy with a huge noggin :D!

He is growing up so fast. We are thankful for every day!!

Here he is with his cousins. Time is flying by!
We are loving the "warmer" weather - he's already been on three walks!

Hope you are all doing great as well. Blessings to all of his prayer warriors!

1 comment:

havalittlcourage said...

He really does look great! I am so thrilled. I have been praying for him since before he was even born (I am a facebook friend). God sure is great. Is he all done with his surgeries? I am so happy to see his beautiful little face without the O2 - not that it wasn't beautiful before. He is so precious!